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Diary of an average angler


This diary dates back to a holiday in 2003 when I think the urge to get back into fishing took off. From around 2007 the trips became more frequent with 2010/11 probably being the peak of activity.
Things again pick up in 2020 - a sort of rebirth!

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Earith (4)

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Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Sunny with increasing cloud and breeze.
Tackle: Greys 12' Prodigy VX Rova Specimen, Shimano 5000 RE baitrunner, small bomb leger, 8lb main line, 6lb fluorocarbon hooklength to 10 eyed hook.
Baits: Bread flake & corn.
Fish: One carp, 6 bream, a tench and a hybrid carp .

A fished this pretty little pit in May last year and loved the tranquility. Being a bit earlier in the year the reeds hadn't grown as high on this occasion and the lily pads were still to show themselves. So I was unsure how it would fish.

The Clay Pit (13)

Side pond

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Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Frosty start to a sunny day with light wind.
Tackle: Greys 12' Prodigy TX Float rod, Allcocks 4" centrepin, 4BB waggler (with 1.2g olivette), 6lb line direct to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Maggot & corn.
Fish: Three tench, a crucian and some roach/rudd.

My first fishing trip since the end of November, following back surgery in February. I chose the Clay Pit side pond as it is not far from home and I could park next to where I was fishing. It is also a fairly easy water that hasn't disappointed in the past, so I was almost assured of a fish or two.

The Clay Pit (12)

Side pond

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Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: 10⁰C, overcast with a NW wind. Brightened for a short period.
Tackle: 10ft TFG Compact Float rod, Speedia centrepin, light (5 x no.4) waggler, 6lb line direct to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Maggot & worm.
Fish: Three tench, a small carp, roach, rudd, crucian & perch

I had proposed to go to a river but because of torrential rain the previous day I decided to go over to the local Clay Pit and fish a side pond. I had had a fair measure of success in these ponds earlier in the season but hadn't fished them in colder weather. I hoped for some roach and perch but things actually worked out a lot better.

The Clay Pit (11)

Side pond

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Arrival time: 14.00
Weather: Mild for October with a light breeze.
Tackle: 10ft TFG Compact Float rod, Speedia centrepin, light (5 x no.4) waggler, 6lb line direct to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Maggot.
Fish: Five tench, a number of good roach and one rudd.

With the remainder of the week forecast to be blustery with some rain, I decided on the spur of the moment to go over to the side ponds at the Clay Pit. I also wanted to use up some maggots that I had from the previous week. It turned out to be a good decision.

The Clay Pit (10)

Side pond

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 11.00
Weather: Warm with sun & cloud and a possibility of showers.
Tackle: 10ft TFG Compact Float rod, Speedia centrepin, light (5 x no.4) waggler, 6lb line direct to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Sweetcorn.
Fish: Five tench, a number of crucians, a small carp and two roach.

After a number of trips to the Nene backwaters I fancied a less energetic day so decided to go over to the local Clay Pit to fish the side ponds. I hoped for a tench or two but would have been satisfied with a mixed bag of whatever turned up.

The Clay Pit (9)

Side pond

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 09.30
Weather: Bright sun, becoming very warm.
Tackle: 12ft Greys Rova Float, Advanta Discovery centre pin with 6lb line direct to 12 eyed hook. Insert waggler.
Baits: Bread flake, sweetcorn.
Fish: Two tench an a crucian.

I returned to the Clay Pit to have another crack at the side pools with the hope of some tench. On arrival the swim I had fished on the previous occasion was taken so I went to the next pool. The pools are in fact joined by a narrow channel so there was no reason why one should be any better than the other.

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