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Diary of an average angler


This diary dates back to a holiday in 2003 when I think the urge to get back into fishing took off. From around 2007 the trips became more frequent with 2010/11 probably being the peak of activity.
Things again pick up in 2020 - a sort of rebirth!

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River Great Ouse - Houghton (14)

Trout Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Overcast with a bitter easterly wind. Some dampness in the air.
Tackle: Drennan 1¾lb 12ft 'Specialist Barbel', Shimano 5000 RE baitrunner, 2SSG link, 8lb line to #8 eyed hook.
Baits: Bread flake, cheese paste & maggots
Fish: One Pike.

After blanking at the Clay Pit I decided to return to the rivers, choosing the Trout Stream as it had been kind to me on recent visits. The forecast was for an easterly wind with a low risk of rain, so I took a chance. This turned out to be a mistake, as the wind was strong and absolutely bitter. And to make things even less appealing, the stream was high and coloured. I started about midway along the stretch as I had done on earlier visits.

River Great Ouse - Houghton (13)

Trout Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.30
Weather: Chilly with sunny spells. Little wind.
Tackle: Drennan 1¾lb 12ft 'Specialist Barbel', Shimano 5000 RE baitrunner, 2SSG link, 8lb line to #8 eyed hook.
Baits: Bread flake.
Fish: Two chub.

Following the success at the Trout Stream the previous Friday, when I lost a big fish, I decided to return only four days later. The choice of date was influenced by the forecast of more turbulent weather towards the end of the week. I basically repeated what I had done on the previous occasion, visiting the same spots. I also looked further downstream to where the stream merges with another channel. Quite a long walk, which I regretted!

River Great Ouse - Houghton (12)

Trout Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.30
Weather: Overcast and chilly with a brief bright spell later. Little wind.
Tackle: Korum 12ft 'Multi-feeder', Shimano ST2500FB baitrunner, two SSG link, 6lb line to #8 eyed hook.
Baits: Bread flake.
Fish: One chub.

I hadn't been fishing for a month. Christmas, followed by a flu bug, flooded rivers and challenging weather kept me away from the water. I decided to return to the Trout Stream as it fishes far better in the winter and I had a cracking day there back in November. Things started well when I hooked into a big fish but went downhill fairly rapidly. But having got over a minor crisis I had a good session in the end.

River Great Ouse - Houghton (11)

Trout Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Bright start but clouding over and becoming colder. Occasional gusty wind.
Tackle: Korum 12ft 'Multi-feeder', Shimano ST2500FB baitrunner, two SSG link, 6lb line to #8 eyed hook.
Baits: Bread flake, cheese paste & worm.
Fish: 4 chub all taken on bread flake.

I hadn't attempted to fish the Trout Stream during summer as previous experience of extensive vegetation both in the water and on the banks had dissuaded me. But, having had a stroll along the stream a few days earlier, it was looking promising with a number of fishable spots. I set off hoping for at least one fish but in the event the session turned into something quite memorable.

Houghton Meadows

A stroll along the Trout Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Having regained enough strength in my replacement left hip, I can now 'officially' drive, although it's a bit of a technicality as I have an automatic!
With improving weather, I took a trip to Houghton Meadows and walked along the Trout Stream, returning by way of a back channel of the Ouse. Both looked very inviting!
So I'm not fishing yet, but sometimes just looking is enough.

River Great Ouse - Houghton (10)

Trout Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 09.30
Weather: Cloudy, becoming warm with a freshening wind and sunny intervals.
Tackle: Ryan Burns 'Arrow' 10' split cane rod, Mitchell 300 reel, 1xSSG link leger, 7lb line to 6 eyed hook.
Baits: Cheese paste, cheese & worm.
Fish: Blank.

After a couple of outings to still waters I decided to give a stream another try, following some quite difficult sessions earlier in the season. As there had been quite a lot of recent rain I expected the water level to be up, but in fact it was very low. And I had also hoped that some of the weed growth had died down, as well as the dense bank side vegetation. I was disappointed on both counts, at one point doubting whether I would find a fishable swim.

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