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Diary of an average angler


This diary dates back to a holiday in 2003 when I think the urge to get back into fishing took off. From around 2007 the trips became more frequent with 2010/11 probably being the peak of activity.
Things again pick up in 2020 - a sort of rebirth!

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River Great Ouse - Offord (40)

Triangle - Lock cutting

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.30.
Weather: Chilly and overcast with little wind.
Tackle: 14ft Shimano match rod, Rapidex II 2400 centrepin, 6lb line, 4lb pre-tied Drennan hook length to 16 red wire hook.
Baits: maggots.
Fish: Small perch & roach.

With the river only recently returned to some sort of normal after yet another spate of heavy rain, my plan was to go to the Triangle section and fish the lock cutting. The spot near the bridge was my destination but unfortunately two other anglers were already there. I walked to what was effectively the end of the cutting and set up there. It wasn't as sheltered a spot as I had been aiming for but it wasn't affected by the fast moving water in the main streams. The sitting position was quite high above the water which made it a bit awkward.

River Great Ouse - Offord (39)

Triangle & Mill Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Chilly with low cloud cover and complete absence of wind.
Tackle: Korum 10ft 'All Rounder' 1.1lb TC, Shimano ST2500FB baitrunner, small bomb leger, 6lb line to size 8 eyed hook..
Baits: Bread flake & cheese paste.
Fish: One decent chub.

My plan was to go to the tip of the Triangle section and fish the crease between the main flow and the outflow of the lock cutting and mill stream. I had been successful with this approach in the past. On this occasion the main river flow wasn't all that strong, meaning that there wasn't actually a well defined crease. Whether this influenced the fishing it's hard to say but there was certainly no immediate action.

River Great Ouse - Offord (38)

Top Stream & Car Park Pool

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Cold & damp with a chilly north-westerly wind. Mainly overcast with occasional sunny intervals.
Tackle: 9ft Shimano Aero X1 feeder rod with 1oz quiver, Shimano Exage 1000RC reel, 5lb line direct to 10 eyed hook.
Baits: Maggots and worms.
Fish: One decent bream, a very small roach and a minuscule dace.

The EA website and the OBAS club Facebook page suggested that the river level at Offord had returned to normal so I decided to take a gamble and give it a try. I headed for the Top Stream as I thought it would probably be the least affected by the extra water, but I was to be proved wrong. It had a strongish flow and was very coloured. What's more the bank was slippery and quite dangerous. I had hoped for perch, thus the choice of maggots and worms as bait but I soon doubted my chances.

River Great Ouse - Offord (37)

Mill Stream

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 09.45
Weather: Sunny with clear sky, clouding after midday. Becoming very warm.
Tackle: 11'6" John Wilson Avon with 1.5oz quiver, Shimano 5000 RE reel, 6lb line direct to 6/8 hook.
Baits: Bread flake & cheese paste.
Fish: One lost chub & one chublet

I thought I would have another crack at the mill stream having not done too well on a previous visit. A number of large chub were spotted under the road bridge and after not being able to cast to them from my first spot, I found a difficult but much closer location. I later moved along the stream, which seems more overgrown and weedy than ever. A truly challenging venue.

River Great Ouse - Offord (36)

Top Stream & Car Park Pool

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Bright sun & clear blue sky, becoming very warm.
Tackle: Korum 10ft 'All Rounder' 1.1lb TC, Shimano ST2500FB baitrunner, small bomb leger, 6lb line to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Worm.
Fish: Blank

After a week of very hot weather I had been deliberating whether to go fishing, but as the forecast was for a slightly cooler day I finally set off. I planned to fish the Top Stream at Offord with maggots and worms, after the good perch that I know can be caught there. Unusually for me I took no other bait, so when I got to the tackle shop to buy my maggots it wasn't good news to find out that they had none! A supplier problem also affecting other shops in the area.

River Great Ouse - Offord (35)

Car Park Pool

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Drizzle on and off interspersed with heavier rain. Quite mild.
Tackle: 14ft Shimano match rod, Rapidex II 2400 centrepin, Drennan stick float and 6lb line to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Corn, bead flake & spam.
Fish: A couple of roach

After a few trips to streams that had proved challenging I decided to fish the car park pool that is at most times an almost still area of water. I chose a swim on the far bank, on what is called Sismey Island, having chatted to a chap earlier in the season who had lost a tench there. I realised that a tench would be a real bonus but also hoped to attract some silver fish.

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