The Chubb Stream (16)
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Arrival time: 9.30 am
Weather: Overcast but quite mild for late October. No wind.
Tackle: 11'6" John Wilson Avon with 1.5oz quiver, Shimano 5000 RE reel, 6lb line direct to 6 eyed hook.
Baits: Bread flake & worm.
Fish: Blank
I had walked the first two meadows of the Chubb Stream a few days earlier and with some extra water flowing it looked really inviting. I was, therefore, feeling quite positive when I arrived but the water level had dropped somewhat and the stream was running very clear, neither being good omens for chubbing. My confidence was then dampened further when another angler turned up shortly after I arrived and walked off before me. Following somebody into a swim in such conditions would almost certainly kill any chance of a chub.