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Diary of an average angler


This diary dates back to a holiday in 2003 when I think the urge to get back into fishing took off. From around 2007 the trips became more frequent with 2010/11 probably being the peak of activity.
Things again pick up in 2020 - a sort of rebirth!

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The Clay Pit (10)

Side pond

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Arrival time: 11.00
Weather: Warm with sun & cloud and a possibility of showers.
Tackle: 10ft TFG Compact Float rod, Speedia centrepin, light (5 x no.4) waggler, 6lb line direct to 14 eyed hook.
Baits: Sweetcorn.
Fish: Five tench, a number of crucians, a small carp and two roach.

After a number of trips to the Nene backwaters I fancied a less energetic day so decided to go over to the local Clay Pit to fish the side ponds. I hoped for a tench or two but would have been satisfied with a mixed bag of whatever turned up.

The Clay Pit (8)

Side pond

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 09.30
Weather: Bright overcast with rain later and warm clear spells.
Tackle: 12ft Greys Rova Float, Advanta Discovery centre pin with 6lb line direct to 12 eyed hook. Insert waggler.
Baits: Bread flake, maggots.
Fish: Carp, crucians and a tench.

I had visited the Clay Pit on the Sunday to try to get some tips on fishing the place as I hadn't had much success in the past. I was lucky to chat to a chap who fished the pole, unlike most of the other anglers there who were fishing at distance for carp. This provided some inspiration for my planned visit on Tuesday.

Earith (3)

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Arrival time: 09.30
Weather: Very still and humid then hot once the sun broke through.
Tackle: 12ft Greys Rova Specimen, Shimano 5000RE with 8lb line direct to a 12 eyed hook.
Simple bomb leger.
Baits: Bread flake & maggots.
Fish: Two tench, four bream and two carp.

Today I tried a different swim, the one that I dropped into on my last visit and where I lost a carp. It offered more open water than the first swim I fished on this lake but unfortunately it was exposed to full sun and became uncomfortable in the afternoon.

Earith (2)

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 09.15
Weather: Overcast, brightening later. Windy but swim sheltered.
Tackle: 12ft Greys Rova Specimen, Shimano 5000RE with 8lb line direct to an 8 and later 14 eyed hook. Simple bomb leger
Baits: Bread flake & maggots.
Fish: Two tench, two bream and a carp with fish lost.

On my second trip to this lake I tried a differnet approach. The previous week I had noticed activity by a central reed bed so today I legered to this spot with some success.

Rookery Waters (5)

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 11.00
Weather: Sunny and mild with no noticeable wind.
Tackle: 12ft Greys Rova Float, Advanta Discovery centre pin with 6lb line, 3.5lb bottom & 16 hook. Insert waggler.
Baits: Maggot & worm.
Fish: Mixed bag of carp, roach & perch

A had a bad day at Rookery Waters last year, on that occasion on the Rook lake, but I decided to give it another try, this time on the Magpie lake. It turned out to be a good decision.

Fields End (112)

You can view the video on this page or open YouTube by clicking the YouTube icon above.

Arrival time: 10.00
Weather: Sunny and unseasonably mild but with a strong SW wind
Tackle: 12ft Greys Rova Float, Advanta Discovery centre pin with 6lb line, 4lb bottom & 16 hook. Insert waggler.
Baits: Maggots, worms.
Fish: Roach/Rudd & one Carp

A few days after the start of the close season on the rivers so I went to my local commercial lake. The idea was to catch some roach on maggot or worm and hope that something else might show up.

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